I'm Back

Posted by Elena B. , Thursday, August 26, 2010 10:59 PM

Back home that is. Which means I've left Brazil, and left meu amor. This afternoon, after sulking around the house in my PJ's all day and watching TV, I went out. My mission? Chocolate. Yes, I made a trip to the convenience store a mile down the road just to get chocolate, obviously because it would make me feel better and surely serve as a good companion to combat the loneliness and fill up that empty feeling I had. And what did I come back with? A bag of M&Ms, a chocolate bar, chocolate cookies, and a 6-pack of Magic Hat (beer). As tempted as I was to shove it all in my mouth the moment I got in the car, I had to wait to consume the beer so I figured I'd wait to eat the chocolate too. When I got home, it was nearly time for dinner, and so I actually managed to restrain myself. Since dinner, I've only eaten the pack of cookies (yes, the whole pack), and never even got around to the chocolate. Luckily, dear bf came online in time to save me from gaining 5 pounds (and from gaining a big ole stomach ache) in one night.

Being back sucks. Sure, it's nice to see my family, and to talk to my friends. But despite the pack of cookies and two beers, I feel empty inside. Hollow. If you dropped a pebble inside me I'm sure it would bounce around and cause a as much ruckus as if it were inside a dried out gourd. I want him back. I want us back. Yes, we're still an 'us,' but it's not the same.

What's the next step? We'll have to see. Perhaps he'll come for a visit this winter, but I'm not counting on it, as it's very hard for him to get time off both work and school. Hopefully I'll be going there in March, probably to stay a while and teach English. But that's not an official declaration, as our plans still need to be solidified. All I know is that we love each other very much, and we want to be together, in the same place at the same time, like a 'normal' couple. Is that so much to ask? So we'll see how well me succeed at making that actually happen.

Any suggestions for how to cope with the seperation? I know it will get slightly easier (or at least feel more normal) as time goes on, but right now it kills. It's not even like this is the first time. But it doesn't get any easier.

11 Response to "I'm Back"

Anonymous Says:

No suggestions, just lots of good wishes and prayers. Try to focus on the fun you had and will again soon xoxo

Unknown Says:

I think you just take the leap, drop everything and move to Brazil.

What's the worst that can happen? Things don't work out with your relationship. You can always come back, and get back into school, finish what you're doing right now.
What's the best that can happen? You love teaching English, your relationship flourishes, you love Brazil and everything is totally worth it.

Even in the worst case scenario, you spend a year living in another country and that's always good for personal development.

Is it possible? Good luck!!

keena Says:

I agree with Linds. Take the leap!

Elena B. Says:

Thanks Linds and keena :) Yeah, you're totally right. It actually is my plan, and I agree, the worst that can happen isn't bad at all. I just hesitate to declare that it is most definitely what I am going to do, because I actually thought I might be going to do it now in september, then plans changed and things got a little more complicated. But I do hope to be there come march and we'll just have to see how it goes!

Mallory Elise Says:

ahk! next time it's chocolate and WINE not chocolate and beer! eeek sick :P

you'll only know you're ready to move and give up everything for good when the thought of it leaves absolutely no bad feelings in your stomach. when you realize that all the troubles there will be yet easier than the feelings here. at that moment, you buy a ticket and sell all your things and live with zero regrets. until then, yay skype!

Anonymous Says:

Go for it! You don't have a mortgage, kids, etc. to hold you back. Take care of your immediate stuff up here in the states. I agree with the others, take a leap.

Elena B. Says:

thanks for all the support everyone! Mallory, I actually didn't eat the chocolate and drink the beer at the same time, heheh. You're right, that would have been nasty! I was at a convenience store, so wine didn't really come to mind! Hopefully there won't be any next times any time soon!


Hi my girl. I´ve been reading some stories about your relationship and I have to say that you definitely love him (it was incredible and cute how you met!). Love is one of the most important things and you are just living it. Go to Brazil! and dont mind what could happen with everything! of course dont fall down in pure intatuation! I really appreciate you and when I´ll be in Argentina again (as I told you already) im gonna miss you so much! Beijos!

Elena B. Says:

Pablo, you are so sweet! Thanks!!! I do love him it's true. Now I just have to wait for these next long months to pass so that we can be together :) By the way, I know that somehow, someday, you and I will see each other again and it will be great (hint, hint: come to Salvador from Argentina....it's not thaaaaat far!)

Anonymous Says:

Hi sweetie!

Thanks for your comment on my blog, I'm fine, just somewhat blog lazy.
So I'm just adding to what the others have said: jump in and go for it. A fellow blogger once wrote: "Jump and the net will appear".
Go to Brazil on a student's visa, get a feel for the job situation and life in Brazil and at the end of the 3 months work out the next step.
Feel free to get in touch anytime if you need some advice or just someone to virtually hold your hand.

Take Care

Anonymous Says:

Go, go, go!

We did the long distance thing for two and a half years. It never gets easier. The only times it was more bearable was once we finally set a date for me to come down here. Best decision ever!

Right now I'm here on a tourist visa, and I have teenagers who still live in the States, so I'll be spending 3 months at a time in each place. We're in a weird place of half living together, half long distance, but it's so much better than being fully separated.

Long distance love can be done, as you know, but with no kids and no mortgage, you'll never have a better time to make the leap!

So, speaking from experience, GO!

Best of luck to you!

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