Bad Blogger
Posted by Elena B. , Friday, July 16, 2010 9:47 AM
I haven't updated in forever, I know! Well, it's because I haven't had much definite news to update you all on the relationship front. We hit a bit of a rocky patch for a quick minute, but all is well now! I had originally been planning on going to Brazil in September and staying for 6 months and teaching English. But that plan has been changed, and now I'm probably going sometime in the spring (probably March-ish, we'll see). It makes more sense to go then, because I can stay at my Nanny job (it's tiring but great) and save up more money before I go, and dear boyfriend is stressed with a lot right now that should settle down in a few months, so he can actually enjoy having me around.
In the meantime though, there is a really good chance that dear bf and I will FINALLY be seeing each other again! Nothing is set yet (last minute much?), but in August either I'll be going there for a week and half, or he may even come here! That would be wonderful, so he could finally meet my family and friends, and be able to see what the U.S. is like. But he's told me before that he may come (twice) and it never worked out. So I'm not holding my breath. If he can't come, it's fine, I'll just go there, because I already have the time off work. So either way, I'm pretty sure we'll see each other! I'm wary even writing this now though, even thinking about it too much, because it has been so long since we've seen each other and it seems like every time we try to plan a visit, something falls through, and I'm crushed. So until the plane tickets are purchased, visas are granted, blah, blah, blah, I don't want to let myself get too excited. Which is kind of sad, because I want to be excited. But I just can't feel let down again. Not let down by him, but just let down by the situation. So is there hope? Oh yes! But I'm trying to keep it all in, wait it out, even though inside I keep wishing "please make this work, please make this happen!"
The past week has been absolute madness, and really the past month I've been sooo busy (and I thought things would calm down after I graduated, ha!), and that's my excuse for not being active. Let's see, in the past week, I have gotten a ticket for driving the wrong way on a one way street (oops! I swear I didn't know, and no I'm not stupid), driven 8+ hours in one day, that same night gotten a call that my boss was going into labor a week early and needed me to come in to spend the night with the one year old, worked literally around the clock with two, two hour breaks in three days, gotten woken up by a crying baby almost every morning, stubbed my toe and bruised it reallllly bad, and oh, I finally came home to find my laptop dead! See? I told you life has been crazy! Plus, the only stuff going on relationship related was personal stuff that I just don't feel the need to share here (I do have my limits), sorry guys!
So, as more exciting things happen, I will try to keep updated more. And yeah, I say that every time. Well, I'm working on it, ok?
hii it is interesting to see an american woman interested in a brazilian man, mainly 'cause he is from bahia, i just hope that i won't be uma verdadeira baianada. hahaha