It sure is a small world!

Posted by Elena B. , Wednesday, January 13, 2010 4:00 PM

Funny thing, once I started dating a Brazilian (and after falling in love with the country), all things Brazil started to jump out at me. Suddenly my eyes so easily spotted the acai juice on the shelf at the health food store and the Brazilian restaurant in a neighboring town; my ears easily perked up at the sound of people speaking portuguese (wait, "is that portuguese? yup!") on the subway in New York.

But it hasn't just been things related to Brazil that I have been noticing, it's also people! When I got home from my second trip to Brazil in August, it turned out my mom was going to be helping advise a Brazilian girl who was visiting for the year on the same high school exchange program I did a while ago (I went to Costa Rica though). Of course I was excited to meet her, and I shyly but excitedly practiced my portuguese and talked up her wonderful country and showed her around New York a bit. We later ended up going to Brazilian Day in New York (huge festivities, so much fun! think food and music and Brazilians enjoying it!). The same day I met her at the exchange program's event, we both met another girl who had been in Angola for quite some time (a year perhaps) and was engaged to an Angolan guy. A year ago I could have cared less, but hearing that there was someone else crazy enough to be in a long distance relationship and communicate in portuguese was very comforting. Then, of course, there are my friends from college, who I met through a once a week gathering at 'portuguese table' and have since thoroughly enjoyed chatting them up and reminiscing about Brazil! Plus, they always have great language tips and have provided me with a lot of insight on Brazil and its people. Not to mention they're just sweethearts and so much fun! I feel so greatful to have them in my life! I also have a friend from college who studied in Brazil (in Salvador, where Isaque lives), loved it, and is continuing relationship with her Brazilian beau from a distance too. Then there's another girl (who I haven't met but heard about through a Brazilian friend at school) who also studied abroad in Chile, when to Salvador, and is also dating a baiano (a guy from Bahia, the state where Salvador is located)! See? I'm not the only one! I'm telling you, those Brazilian guys are dangerously irresistible, no one leaves Brazil without one!

Traveling in general has made me more aware of how connected we all are, but since going to Brazil I've realized what a small world it really is! Yesterday, I met up with friend who did the same program as me in Chile last semester and was visiting from out of town. She was stying with her college roommate, who joined us for lunch. Turns out her roommate studied in Sao Paulo last semester, now also has a Brazilian bf, and knows two of my college friends who studied in Brazil last semester (one of whom was mentioned above)! Unbeleiveable! Then, I get home and I'm talking online to a college friend who is getting ready to study in Brazil next semester (in the same program as the last girl) and it turns out her host mother knows a friend of mine who also lives in Salvador. My *one* friend in Salvador besides Isaque, and she knows him! It's crazy how our lives are interconnected. I totally beleive that six degrees of seperation stuff!

Anyway, my point is, going to Brazil and dating a Brazilian have opened up my life to all these new connections and I find it pretty neat!

6 Response to "It sure is a small world!"

Unknown Says:

It's really funny that you noticed that because I ALSO noticed that! it was just interesting coindidences though after I fell in love with my Brazilian... like Survivor started that month and it was in BRAZIL, and I met a few girls who worked in my regular coffee shop who were Brazilian, etc etc. I wish I could remember all of the things now but I do remember I felt the same way... :)

Anonymous Says:

Hi Elena. Thanks for reading my blog. I answered your question there. I enjoyed your blog and I have bookmarked it here. I also noticed we follow some of the same blogs. There are some others I can suggest, such as:

Elena B. Says:

Thanks for the comments :)
Time to add another one to the list! Wouldn't you know it, yesterday I made another link to Brazil! Met up with a friend in New York, and the friend she brought along had studied in Brazil for a year! The list just keeps growing :) It's funny though, because I don't think it's simply my awareness, I feel like I've met more brazil related people than I have met people related to any other country I've spent even more significant amounts of time in (i.e. Chile and Costa Rica). So it kinda feels like the universe is sending good signs my way, saying 'go ahead, Brazil awaits you!'. Or maybe I'm just crazy...

Anonymous Says:

Hey Elena!
Add me to facebook and orkut. It's "fabio bossard", so we can exchange our language-related questions. Bye!

Braziliant Says:

Hey Elena B,
Thought I'd check out your blog and say hi. I totally identify with this post. I started learning Portuguese in London and as soon as I did it felt as if a whole new world opened up. Amazing how your senses adapt to your new learning.

Elena B. Says:

Hi Braziliant, thanks so much for stopping by! Yeah, it's funny how you can become aware of something and a whole new world really does open up, one that you had no idea existed!

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