A chance to do it right

Posted by Elena B. , Thursday, January 28, 2010 12:00 PM

So, continuing on the theme of my last post (languages), here's another about portuguese. I'm so excited! I get to take a Portuguese class this semester! Finally, I get to take an actual class! Learning on your own is better than nothing, but now I get to continue with that and get some actual instruction.

It wasn't easy to get to this point though, you wouldn't believe the hoops I had to jump through to take a Portuguese class in college! First of all, this is my last semester (I'm a senior) and I didn't think I'd even have room in my schedule for it, but things changed and now I do. I go to a college that is in the "5 College area" and I can take classes at the other colleges as well, which is great because my school doesn't offer Portuguese. So I tried to take a "Portuguese for Spanish speakers" class at Smith College, but its the only class of its kind in the five colleges and is so freakin popular that i couldn't get in the THREE different semesters I've tried! Really frustrating. So then I tried to take the Elementary Portuguese class, but it's a year-long course and they don't accept people mid-year. FINALLY, I was able to register for a class at the University of Massachusetts. It's Elementary Portuguese II, and I'm supposed to have taken the first semester of it, but because of my level of Portuguese knowledge, the professor is making an exception. THANK GOD!

I just feel so frustrated at my level of portuguese right now! I'm fluent in Spanish, so I picked it up fairly quickly, and I've definitely learned a lot, but I feel stuck. I'm at the point where I can have a decent conversation without sounding like a total fool, but I often get stuck on vocab I don't know for non-everyday things and I'm pretty much stuck in the present and preterite tenses. I'm not at all confident when I talk. And although Brazilians have told me "Voce fala muito bem, como aprendeu?" (You speak really well, how did you learn?), I think Brasileiros tend to be very polite and overly nice about that type of thing.
I talk to Dear BF in portuguese all the time, but we chat (type) online because it's easier and he doesn't have a microphone for skype. So my writing and reading is much better than my speaking and comprehension. Although I have gotten a lot of help with that from some Brazilian friends here at school, but now a few of them have gone to study in France, which means less practice for me :(. I just wish that it were as easy for me to speak Portuguese as it is to speak Spanish. I think I can get there (or almost there) someday. I don't want to have to be thinking for words all the time, to have tons of trouble telling a story or talking about the future, or always be asking 'O que?!?!' with a confused look on my face. And I'm hoping this class can help bump me up a level in my language ability!

Entao, me desejam boa sorte com as aulas de portugues! (So, wish me luck with the Portuguese classes)!

Aprendendo Portugues (Learning Portuguese)

Posted by Elena B. , Thursday, January 21, 2010 11:01 AM

Since, as I've mentioned before, dear boyfriend speaks pretty limited English, I figured I'd write a post about how I've been learning Portuguese and what resources have been useful. Maybe this one will actually be useful to all you readers *cough- all one of you- cough* out there!

Well, I guess I should give some background of how I'm able to even communicate with dear bf. Before I first went to Brazil, I was very interested in learning portuguese. English is my first language, but I'm completely fluent in Spanish and grew up hearing it spoken to me. So I decided to take a portuguese for spanish speakers class, but the class filled up quickly and I couldn't get into it. So instead I bought a ste of those 'learn portuguese!' CD's and listened to them (although not nearly as much as I had planned) before I left. But when I arrived in Brazil, I was totally lost! My first week I was glued to my phrasebook, and fumbled along. But slowly but surely, I began figuring out the key differences between portuguese and spanish and started feeling slightly more comfortable with it. And by the time I met dear bf, after being in the country for just a week and a half, I was able to get by (especially due to the help of my lovely host R, who spoke English and taught me so much portuguese). It probably sounds crazy, but I guess I should also give a little credit to my genes, because my mom is great with languages and speaks 5! Plus, having a significant other who speaks the language really is the best motivation! By the way, I've been teaching myself by practicing with friends (really the best way to learn) and doing stuff online, and I can hold a pretty good conversation now! I struggle a bit, and I'm sure I often sound silly, but I've made a lot of progress!

There are a lot of resources out there to help you learn another language, and portuguese in particular, but these are just a few of my favorite. Please feel free to comment with any that I've missed!
So, time to hit the books (or should I say pages?)!

Helpful FREE Language Learning Resources (for many languages):

  • Since we've spent most of our time apart, chatting online has been the easiest way to keep in touch. Wordreference.com is my best friend, and I keep it open all the time to look up words I don't know (but I'm needing it less and less these days!).
  • LiveMocha - Although I haven't used it steadily, this website is great! It basically has lessons that you sign up for on your level, then uses a flashcard/picture strategy to teach you words/phrases and then you can do speaking and writing excersizes to practice. But the coolest part of the website is the social aspect, where native speakers can review your submissions and you can chat with them as well, and you in turn pay it forward to others.
The following is a list of websites/blogs that I don't use as often, but still have a lot of great information! In no particular order:

Helpful FREE Language Learning Resources for BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE:
  • Street Smart Brazil - The website of a Portuguese language school in San Francisco, that also does skype classes, the blog has a lot of useful advice from native speakers! They also have forums which aren't super active yet, but have alot of potential.
  • Portuguese Blog - great blog with lots of different ways to learn, including news, music videos with lyrics, games, and more!
  • English this way! - just discovered this blog recently, and it's targeted more towards portuguese speakers learning english, but just as useful for learning portuguese. It covers phrases and sayings that are less common and can be difficult to find a translation for. Plus, Fabio is really nice!
  • Brazilian Portuguese Podcast - for practice listening, check these out!
  • Portuguese word of the day - just a quick, easy, word of the day!
  • Portuguese for Spanish Speakers - just what it says. lots of practice excersizes.
  • Ta Falado - another great site for spanish speakers, with podcasts
  • Terra brasilis - as the website says, language and culture resources. I haven't gone through it extensively, but it seems to have some good links!
  • Conjuga-me - conjugations galore!
  • Eyes on Brazil - this is a blog about all things Brazil, but there are several "Tricky Words & Verbs" entries that are super helpful!
Well, that's all folks! I think that should keep you (and me) occupied for a while! Going through my old bookmarks for this entry I found a bunch of sites I hadn't looked at in a long time! Boa Sorte!

It sure is a small world!

Posted by Elena B. , Wednesday, January 13, 2010 4:00 PM

Funny thing, once I started dating a Brazilian (and after falling in love with the country), all things Brazil started to jump out at me. Suddenly my eyes so easily spotted the acai juice on the shelf at the health food store and the Brazilian restaurant in a neighboring town; my ears easily perked up at the sound of people speaking portuguese (wait, "is that portuguese? yup!") on the subway in New York.

But it hasn't just been things related to Brazil that I have been noticing, it's also people! When I got home from my second trip to Brazil in August, it turned out my mom was going to be helping advise a Brazilian girl who was visiting for the year on the same high school exchange program I did a while ago (I went to Costa Rica though). Of course I was excited to meet her, and I shyly but excitedly practiced my portuguese and talked up her wonderful country and showed her around New York a bit. We later ended up going to Brazilian Day in New York (huge festivities, so much fun! think food and music and Brazilians enjoying it!). The same day I met her at the exchange program's event, we both met another girl who had been in Angola for quite some time (a year perhaps) and was engaged to an Angolan guy. A year ago I could have cared less, but hearing that there was someone else crazy enough to be in a long distance relationship and communicate in portuguese was very comforting. Then, of course, there are my friends from college, who I met through a once a week gathering at 'portuguese table' and have since thoroughly enjoyed chatting them up and reminiscing about Brazil! Plus, they always have great language tips and have provided me with a lot of insight on Brazil and its people. Not to mention they're just sweethearts and so much fun! I feel so greatful to have them in my life! I also have a friend from college who studied in Brazil (in Salvador, where Isaque lives), loved it, and is continuing relationship with her Brazilian beau from a distance too. Then there's another girl (who I haven't met but heard about through a Brazilian friend at school) who also studied abroad in Chile, when to Salvador, and is also dating a baiano (a guy from Bahia, the state where Salvador is located)! See? I'm not the only one! I'm telling you, those Brazilian guys are dangerously irresistible, no one leaves Brazil without one!

Traveling in general has made me more aware of how connected we all are, but since going to Brazil I've realized what a small world it really is! Yesterday, I met up with friend who did the same program as me in Chile last semester and was visiting from out of town. She was stying with her college roommate, who joined us for lunch. Turns out her roommate studied in Sao Paulo last semester, now also has a Brazilian bf, and knows two of my college friends who studied in Brazil last semester (one of whom was mentioned above)! Unbeleiveable! Then, I get home and I'm talking online to a college friend who is getting ready to study in Brazil next semester (in the same program as the last girl) and it turns out her host mother knows a friend of mine who also lives in Salvador. My *one* friend in Salvador besides Isaque, and she knows him! It's crazy how our lives are interconnected. I totally beleive that six degrees of seperation stuff!

Anyway, my point is, going to Brazil and dating a Brazilian have opened up my life to all these new connections and I find it pretty neat!


Posted by Elena B. , Wednesday, January 6, 2010 9:51 PM

Or that's what I wanted to say when I showed off the photos of the scrapbook (anniversary gift for dear boyfriend) I finished this afternoon. Only one problem: I forgot to take the pictures. Oops! I was in a rush to finish it before meeting up with my friend who is studying in Salvador, Brazil next semester and will hand over the goods to dear boyfriend in February, closer to our anniversary. I'm no expert, but I do enjoy doing crafty things, even though I have terrible follow through and usually leave projects have-finished. I managed to actually finish this one, and in just a couple days! Actually, I did most of it in one day.

Just wanted to share my excitement because I think it turned out pretty great, and I can't tell him yet! So, two months from now, when dear boyfriend finally gets the gift, I'll make him take pictures. Yup, gonna leave you in suspense (gasp! I'm sure that is sooo dissapointing!).

New Project

Posted by Elena B. , Tuesday, January 5, 2010 12:22 AM

I know I haven't written for a while, but every time I think of it (which, to be honest, hasn't been all that much lately considering holidays and being back home trying to see friends and family) I can't figure out what I should write about.

But now I have a new little project that I'm excited about :) For a few years now I've been a wanna-be scrapbooker. I go through spurts of serious interest and excitement in making a scrapbook, where I go to the craft store (or the 'amazing savings' that for some reason sells scrapbooking stuff) and splurge on papers and special glue and cute little stickers that I really don't need. Then, usually within a couple days or a week, I burn out and shove the photos and stickers and scraps of paper in a box under my desk. I just don't usually have the motivation to follow through and finish a hole scrapbook. It really takes so long!

Although I was just talking about our 10 month anniversary, our 1 year anniversary is coming up soon, and I thought it would be nice to do something special. Since I ended up spending a ridiculous amount on shipping a care package for dear boyfriend's birthday in October (don't ask, there was a packaging mix-up), I figured I'd just write a nice letter or something. But...I realized that a friend of mine will be studying in Salvador for the semester, and since she's in New York (near me) visiting her sister before she leaves, I convinced her (as in, she's sweet and agreed in a second) to take along a little something to deliver to my man. Ok...I'm not making her deliver anything, I'll make him go pick it up...hehe.

So what is it that I'm sending along with her? Well it took me a little time to figure it out, since I wanted it to be small and light, because I know how hard it is to pack a semester's worth of your life into two dinky suitcases and I don't want to bother my AMAZING friend when she's doing me this huge favor (shout out to you, you know who you are!)!
So....(drumroll please).... I'm sending an anniversary scrapbook...but wait, it gets better...that fits into a CD case! Yup, one of those jewel cases that I have no use for anymore since I hardly use CDs except in my car. There's a cool accordian folded paper that pops out of the case and expands to hold a whole bunch of mini pages of pictures. I like it because since it's small it can't possibly take that long to make and it's a really cute idea of somehting a little different. Note, this isn't my idea, I found it on this cute site. My design is a little girly because the store I went to didn't have much selection so it's kinda pink....but oh well, I think he'll still like it! It's not like I expect him to put it out on his desk at work or anything.

I'll put pictures up once I'm done with the mini album (which will be tomorrow because I'm meeting said friend in two days for the hand-off of the goods). Let's just hope that they don't ask her at airport security whether anyone asked her to transport anything, hahah. So far I've got the cover done and I figured out the order of the pictures. Now I just have to do the actual pages...

Oh man, my posts always end up being so ridiculously long! I need to work on being concise. So, more (hopefully) coming soon.


p.s.--Sorry if I'm a bit incoherent, it's late! And sorry for the overuse of parenthesis, I got a little carried away!