How well do we really know each other?

Posted by Elena B. , Tuesday, May 4, 2010 5:00 PM

So, generally, things have been going really well with dear boyfriend. We're both busy, but we talk as much as we can, and we still enjoy each other's 'company' (in quotes because it's not like we're actually together physically). And he's taking steps towards getting the visa to possibly come visit, which is great. But yesterday, something really strange happened. I learned something about him, about his past, that I had absolutely no idea about! Now, don't let your imagination run wild, it was nothing terrible, he's not some axe murderer, nor was he abused as a child or anything awful like that. And no, he doesn't have a dozen illegitimate children running around. I just won't put the details here because I think he would rather keep that information private (hence the reason he never talked about it in over a year of dating!). But it surprised me. Maybe even shocked me. It was something that was a big part of his life for a while, but I think he'd rather forget and move on. I can understand that, but I felt this strange sense of betrayal. Like he had been holding back from me all this time. All this time, I thought I knew him, knew who he was and what he was all about, and this just threw me off.

Now, I know that wasn't his intention at all, I think he really just had moved on with a different part of his life and doesn't really think about it anymore, and it's not something that comes up in everyday conversation. It only came up because of something relevant made him share it. He said when asked, he'll be honest and talk about it, but it's not something he ever brings up. And he was honest and told me all about it, answered all of my questions without hesitation. I told him that I wasn't mad, but just really surprised, and he apologized, explaining that he didn't mean to hold anything back from me.

In my heart of hearts, I know it is really no big deal. But I still can't help but feel uneasy, like the person I thought I knew is suddenly someone slightly different. And it makes me wonder what else I don't know about him. But then I think about it, and I realize that this is what makes relationships entertaining and interesting, that there is always more to learn about someone, that it is a continual process of learning...right?

Has anything like this ever happened to you? What do you think? Sorry for the cryptic ambiguity, I just don't want to betray his trust and spill out his whole life story to the world, when it was obviously something he doesn't really like sharing even with the closest people in his life!

5 Response to "How well do we really know each other?"

Corin Says:

My husband didn't mention that his father is a serious alcoholic until after the wedding (something you can get away with when your dad is a continent away, I suppose). I was floored, because it explained a lot of his relationships with people and his hang ups on certain issues, but I think he told me when he was ready... even though I wanted to strangle him, I guess it was better than feeling obligated to divulge something he wasn't in a place to discuss... Perhaps your beau needed to know YOU well enough to feel okay talking about whateveritis. Perhaps it should also put you on your guard. Either way, if I were you, I'd tell him your reaction and make sure that that discussion opens rather than closes lines of communication...

Anonymous Says:

Hi there - I stumbled upon your blog. Just started mine, you should check it out :)
As to answer your question - my SO and I have only been dating for about five months now, but we've known each other for much longer, and when he brings up something I feel like I should have known, I feel... hurt. Almost betrayed. It's only after we talk it through that I realize it's just something that hadn't come up yet. Ya gotta just let it go after the two of you have addressed the issue and know that he wasn't holding it back to hurt you, he was either suppressing it or scared. Communication is key, just keep it open and honest at all times.

Mallory Elise Says:

yoyo. so learning things that are surprising about someone always seem MUCH worse especially when you learn about it while talking on the internet or over the phone. the distance already makes it worse, because there is no arm to wrap around your shoulder and reassure you that everything is alright. i don't know how you two usually communicate (skype?) my husband and i spent countless hours on skype, and after even three years learning something shocking about someone is possible. it happened to me while i was last in the US for five months before my final move here, and it being on skype makes it feel more lonely. but in the end it is nothing, anything that happens in the past is in the past. period, i want to be forgiven for what i am not proud of as well. i knew he wasn't trying to betray me, and your boyfriend wasn't either. i think in these situations they are trying to protect you, and they know when the moment is right to let you know. usually when they trust you more than they trust themselves :) learning intimate secrets, the good and the bad are important, they make your relationship stronger ;)

ps. love the new design layout :D

Lauren Says:

I just came across your blog and I've enjoyed reading your posts. I can relate to a lot of the things you talk about--only, my boyfriend is French! Long distance relationships are difficult, but it always helps to see other couples successfully overcoming the obstacles :)

Rachel Says:

It happens. Imagine my situation, I married my Brazilian husband after 2 months of dating. Ok, we had 3 months of long distance so 5 months of dating. We found out a lot of stuff we didn't know. It'll be 7 years in November. 2 kids and almost 7 years. If it's their past it's their past. I wouldn't worry too much about it. (unless it has a part of their now...)

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