What's going on?

Posted by Elena B. , Thursday, April 22, 2010 3:33 PM

I know, I have been completely MIA! Sorry ladies and gents, I know you must have been seriously disappointed, when you looked for my posts every single day and saw nothing! Just a hint of sarcasm there...
Yeah, it's been two months (crap!) since I've posted. I've decided to take a bit of a hiatus, and put the blog on hold for now. But don't fret, I will definitely be back! This has nothing to do with changes in my relationship (actually, things have never been better), but life is just crazy for me right now! I'm a senior in college, finishing my last semester. I need to graduate here! Basically, I've been stressed and busy, and frankly, I've felt like I don't have much to write about. All is quiet on the relationship front. Things are great, but I have nothing to update you on. And I don't really know what to write about.

So, come May 24th, the day after I graduate, I'll post again (promise!). By then, I should have some definite life decisions made and I may have some more exciting news for you (think going to Brazil...maybe). But until then, I need to hit the books. Trust me, I'd much rather be filling cyber-space with my ramblings, but I just can't right now!

So, please, wait with baited breath. I promise, I'll be back!

3 Response to "What's going on?"

Mallory Elise Says:

ah hi! great to hear from you, you are thinking about moving to Salvador?? that is so great!! i met my brazilian husband about 3 years ago while i was living in Paris, now i'm here, happy in sao paulo :)

so i haven't been to salvador, but my mother in law is from vitória da conquista in Bahia, so we have some cousins in Salvador and will undoubtedly be visiting there :) hope you're there when we do :)

if you are scared about moving to brazil--good, you should be. it is a scary thing, for you, for your whole family and for the brazilians welcoming you. visas suck, getting married in brazil sucks (nightmare really, having no friends sucks, relying on your shitty portuguese and feeling like you'rebeing babysat sucks (i can't even get a wax by myself, hehehe) BUT, as much as it is hard, if you know it's the right decision, then it is ALL worth it. i regret nothing, at all. and my husband and i always feel like nothing is forever, maybe we wont live in brazil always, we could end up in canada, or france! that's what is great about finding your other half when you are young, you have a whole life to be crazy together, and when it's together, nothing is scary :)

email me if you would like malloryferland@embarqmail.com

so boa sorte on your exams, i graduated last may doubling in history and French language--nightmare finals and thesis. guess what my thesis was-portuguese colonization :P

Corin Says:

Love the pictures of you guys in Salvador... amazing city, amazing people. I'll be following your blog, but keep in touch about your plans (corininexile@gmail.com) and say "hi" to the Pioneer Valley for me!

Corin Says:

Almost forgot... I moved to Brazil for 6 months to teach English right after graduation... in case you're considering something like that as an option, I'd be happy to tell you about how it went ("awesome" is the short version, but then again, I am always trying to convince people to run away to South America).

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