It's gonna be a while

Posted by Elena B. , Tuesday, December 15, 2009 9:09 PM

As much as I love my boyfriend, sometimes being in an LDR just plain sucks. Don't get me wrong, things are good between us, but I recently found out that dear boyfriend won't be coming to visit in January like we had hoped. It's not his fault, it's just complicated. The worst part is that he even got the visa, but now won't be able to use it! So much for my daydreams about all the places we'd go, things we'd do, and people we'd meet. Guess I got a little ahead of myself in that previous post!

So we're not yet sure when we'll see each other next, but it probably won't be until at least June because of both our schedules. So we've got a long road ahead of us. I know we can stick it out, but I just really wanted to see him! Oh well, what can I do?

I guess that's it for now...

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